Delicious to Google Bookmarks: Redux #

More than 4 years ago (!) I blogged about about a simple tool I'd written to export your Delicious* bookmarks to Google Bookmarks. With the recent confusion over Delicious's future the tool is receiving renewed interest. I had never updated it to support the V2 API (which is OAuth-based), and the blog post just kept accumulating comments from people that had merged their Delicious accounts with their Yahoo! IDs and couldn't use it anymore.

Having some free time this weekend, I decided to retrofit V2/OAuth support. The only gotcha encountered is that the V2 API requires HTTP, while the V1 API requires HTTPS, but if you get this wrong you get a misleading signature_invalid response. I also moved all the code to App Engine. Finally, all exported bookmarks get a "delicious-export" label, and ones that were private also get a "delicious-private" label.

* Or, as they were back then.

Update on 12/25/2010: The code is now available on GitHub.

Update on 2/17/2011: Google now has an official tool for importing from Delicious.


the link?
@Anonymous: It's at
Does it upload everything? I seem to get only 50 out of 600+ Delicious bookmarks to Google Bookmarks.
@Alcarcalimo: Yes, it should get all of them. Feel free to contact me (email address in the footer) with more details.

Error: Server Error
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.

If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it.
I get a python error ending in "DownloadError: ApplicationError: 5" (which I have emailed to you). Also, during the OAuth authorization it calls your app "Delicious Bookmarks Expor", so there's a "t" missing.
@Billy, @David: I've increased the HTTP request deadline to the Delicious API, hopefully you'll see those errors less now.

@David: The title is "Delicious Bookmarks Exporter", but I guess it's getting truncated by Yahoo's OAuth Page. I've shortened it to "Delicious Exporter", which is getting displayed correctly.
Thanks a bunch! Funny thing is, I tried the page last night and it wasn't working for me (error talking to delicious) .I ended up writing a tiny python script and was using BeautifulSoup to convert my delicious bookmarks html backup to the google bookmarks format. As soon as it worked I saw that you had a new version up, I used that instead :), it's much cleaner than my implementation (which is actually glorified screen scraping).
Thanks for the tool. I've just used it and it worked great. I'm more than happy with the outcome.
I have 2 comments:
1. I have 3852 bookmarks in delicious, and I have now 3847 bookmarks in Google. I presume you didn't import 4 standard entries from delicious. But there is still one bookmark unaccounted for. You could still have a small bug in the script.
2. So far it seems to me that Google Bookmarks is a little bit left behind when compared with other Google products. Do you have any insider info that you cand share?
Foarte Misto! Thanks
I am also getting this message:

Error: Server Error
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.
If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it.
@Robert: Feel free to get in touch with me (my email address is in the blog's footer) with more details (e.g your Delicious username, whether you've merged your account with your Yahoo! ID).
I too am getting the error saying:
Error: Server Error

The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.
If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it.
I'm getting this error:

"Received an error from the Delicious API

Status code: 503
via: HTTP/1.1 GWA
age: 0

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