Per-Package Method Counts for Android's DEX Format #

Quip's Android app recently ran into the Android DEX/Dalvik 64K method limit. We suspected that this was due to code generated by the Protocol Buffer compiler¹, but we wanted to get more specific numbers, to both understand the situation better and track our progress. As a starting point, we figured per-package method counts would give us what we needed.

The Android SDK ships with a dexdump tool that disassembles .dex (or .apk files) and dumps certain information out of it. Running it with the -f flag generated a method_ids_size line that showed that we were indeed precariously close to the limit. The script supports an XML output and per-class output of methods, so it seemed like a straightforward task to group methods and classes by package. However, once I actually processed its output, I got a much lower number than expected (when I did a sanity check to add up all the per-package counts). It turned out that the XML output is hardcoded to only output public classes and methods.

I then held my nose and rewrote the script to instead parse dexdump's text format. Unfortunately, even then there was some undercounting — not as significant, but I was missing a few thousand methods. I looked at the counts for a few classes, and nothing seemed to be missing, so this was perplexing. After some more digging, it turned out that the limit counts referenced methods too, not just those defined in the DEX file. Therefore iterating over the methods defined in each class was missing most of the android.* methods that we were calling.

Mohammad then pointed me at a script that used the smali/baksmali assembler/disassembler to generate per-package counts. However, when I ran it, it seemed to overcount. Looking into it a bit more, it looked like the script disassembled the .apk, re-assembled it to generate a .dex per package, and then ran dexdump on each one. However, this meant that referenced methods were counted by each package that used them, thus the overall count would include them more than once.

I briefly considered modifying dexdump to extract the information that I needed, but it didn't seem like a fun codebase to work in; besides being in C++ it had lots of dependencies into the rest of the Android tree. Looking around for other DEX format parses turned up smali's, dexinfo, dexinsight, dexterity, dexlib and a few others. All seemed to require a bit more effort to build and understand than I was willing to put in late on a Friday night. However, after browsing around through the Android tree more, I came across the dexdeps tool². It is designed for separating referenced and defined methods (and classes), but its DEX file parser looked simple enough to modify to extract the data that I was interested in. Better yet, it had no other dependencies, and looked straightforward to build.

Sure enough, it was pretty easy to modify it to create a per-package method counting tool. After a few more commits, I ended up with a dex-method-counts tool that can be pointed at an APK (or DEX file) and provide a package hierarchy tree-view of defined and referenced method counts. The README has a few more details, including a few flags that I've found useful when looking at protocol buffer compiler-generated code.

As for how we solved our actual method count limit problem, we've so far managed to stave off doom by refactoring our .proto files to include fewer messages in our Java build (we were picking up some that were for other platform or server use only). That is, nothing too crazy yet.

  1. For others in this situation, Square's Wire library may be an alternative.
  2. Somewhat amusingly, this is not the only Java-based DEX parser in the Android source tree, there is also dex-tools in the Compatibility Test Suite area.

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