HTML Munging My Way To a React.js Conf Ticket #

Like many others, I was excited to see that Facebook is putting on a conference for the React community. Tickets were being released in three waves, and so for the last three Fridays I have been trying to get one. The first Friday I did not even manage to see an order form. The next week I got as far as choosing a quantity, before being told that tickets were sold out when pushing the “Submit” button.

Today was going to be my last chance, so I enlisted some coworkers to the cause — if any of them managed to get an order form the plan was that I would come by their desk and fill it out with my details. At 12 o'clock I struck out, but Bret and Casey both managed to run the gauntlet and make it to the order screen. However, once I tried to submit I was greeted with:

React.js Conf Order Failure

Based on Twitter, I was not the only one. Looking at the Dev Tools console showed that a bunch of URLs were failing to load from CloudFront, with pathnames like custom-tickets.js and custom-tickets.css. I assumed that some supporting resources were missing, hence the form was not entirely populated¹. After checking that those URL didn't load while tethered to my phone (in case our office network was banned for DDoS-like behavior), I decided to spelunk through the code and see if I could inject the missing form fields by hand. I found some promising-looking JavaScript of the form:

    number: $('.card-number').val(),
    cvc: $('.card-cvc').val(),
    exp_month: $('.card-expiry-month').val(),
    exp_year: $('.card-expiry-year').val(),
    name: $('.cardholder-name').val(),
    address_zip: $('.card-zipcode').val()

I therefore injected some DOM nodes with the appropriate class names and values and tried resubmitting. Unfortunately, I got the same error message. When I looked at the submitPaymentForm implementation, I could see that the input parameter was not actually used:

function submitPaymentForm(fields) {
    var $form = $("#billing-info-form");
    warnLeave = false;

I looked at the form fields that had loaded, and they had complex names like order[TicketOrder][email]. It seemed like it would be difficult to guess the names of the missing ones (I checked the network request and they were not being submitted at all). I then had the idea of finding another Splash event order form, and seeing if I could get the valid form fields from there. I eventually ended up on the ticket page for a music video release party that had a working credit card form. Excited, I copied the form fields into the React order page that I still had up, filled them out, and pressed “Submit”. There was a small bump where it thought that the expiration date field was required and not provided, but I bypassed that client-side check and got a promising-looking spinner that indicated that the order was being processed.

I was all set to be done, when the confirmation page finally loaded, and instead of being for the React conference, it was for the video release party. Evidently starting the order in a second tab had clobbered the some kind of cookie or other client-side state from the React tab. I had thus burned the order page on Bret's computer. However, Case had been dutifully keeping the session on his computer alive, so I switched to that one. There I went through the same process, but opened the “donor” order page in a Chrome incognito window. With bated breath I pressed the order button, and was relieved to see a confirmation page for React, and this email to arrive shortly after:

React.js Conf Order Success?

Possibly not quite as epic was my last attempt at working around broken service providers, but it still made for an exciting excuse to be late for lunch. And if anyone wants to go a music video release party tonight in Brooklyn, I have a ticket².

  1. I now see that other Splash order forms have the same network error, so it may have been a red herring.
  2. Amusingly enough, I appeared to have bought the last pre-sale ticket there — they are sold out too.

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